
Practice and Pizza TODAY

Hello Wahoos! 

We are so excited about the season starting TODAY! 

As a reminder, the practice schedule is as follows. All groups 7 and older will start with some "dry land" exercises then move to the pool. Please be sure your swimmer brings a towel and tennis shoes for dry land and goggles for the pool! 

4:15-5:30 -- 11 & Up

5:15-6:15 -- 7/8

6:00-6:30 -- 6 & Under

6:30-7:30 -- 9/10 

Following the last practice today we will have a pizza party and parents meeting. Pizza will arrive at 7pm. Please bring your own drinks and any sides you'd want for your family. Dessert will be provided. The coaches will play games with the kids while we have a parents meeting starting at 7:30pm. 

At the meeting we will go over expectations for the season, volunteer jobs and hopefully answer any questions you might have. We will introduce you to the "lead volunteers" who will be your go to person to answer questions about your specific jobs that you have signed up for. 

Finally, if you have an old suit that does not fit your swimmers, and would like to pass it down to a smaller swimmer, please bring it tonight and we can have a "suit swap". I will have a table set up for you to drop off suits to be swapped. 

 See you tonight!! 

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