
Wahoos Pre-Season Updates

Hey Wahoo families! 

The swim team board has begun planning for this coming summer and starting together excited as this will be our 25th anniversary season of the Walden Creek Wahoos! We wanted to touch base on a few pre-season items:

1. COACHES: We are currently seeking candidates to fill out our coaching staff for the 2024 season! If you know someone who would be interested in either an Assistant Coach (paid), Junior Coach (volunteer) or new this season, a 6 & Under Coach (paid) position we would love to hear from them! Please apply here: https://forms.gle/9TazPr5nfkPFTdLf8

2. VOLUNTEERS: If you have a job that you know you want to serve in this summer, and you want to do that same job all summer, please let us know! We will give you first dibs on registration so you get the job you want! Let us know here: https://forms.gle/Uq9M8K9bm9wEAHJC7

3. CALENDAR: We have a tentative calendar posted to our website. Go ahead and check it out and get dates on your calendar now. Please know, all dates are subject to change, but this what we're thinking the season will look like. https://walden-creek.swimtopia.com/calendar-and-meets

Please feel free to forward this email to new neighbors who might be interested and not on our list! Also, if you know coaching candidates (either from the neighborhood or outside) please share our application with them as well. 

Start getting excited! 

Your Wahoo Swim Team Board

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