
Mock Meet Volunteers June 3

Hello WAHOOs!!! 

So I have been working this mock meet volunteer set up.  A few things I want to point out... 

This mock meet is suppose to be a learning and mentoring activity.  You get no official points for this, but you get to see how necessary you are to making swim team a success.  

My vision is that we will all wear name tags and new families will stand out with a different color name tag. So everyone grab a name tag even if you are not checking in to volunteer.

I have generally over scheduled each spot and placed new families in jobs they have signed up for throughout the season,  and in some instances for both halves of the meet.  Experienced families you may or may not be at a job you have signed up for, but I know you can teach others. I expect new families to stay at a job until they get the hang of it and then rotate to other spots to make sure they get a feel for all the jobs that have signed up for or are interested in.  If you have anxiety over jobs please rotate to learn these positions while we have mentors there.  Do not leave your position without your Head Volunteer being aware to ensure we have enough coverage to run a smooth meet.

If you are assigned a job that does not work with your schedule I would love to know as soon as possible.  Set up starts at 4pm. Volunteers are expected to meet me, at the latest, 5:30 pm at the volunteer station. It is a table near concessions. Clean up is at the end of the meet- whenever that is. When you sign up for clean up you don't get to leave because it is too late for you.  Email me at [email protected] if you have a conflict with your assigned mock meet role. 

If I assigned the wrong parent/guardian/caregiver it matters not at all!  Just someone from your family show up and sign in.

I will make sure experienced volunteers get a blue apron that has job assignments on them so you can easily find your assignment. Board members will be floating and assisting at stations to answer questions and relieve others. 

You will really enjoy it and love watching your kids swim.  We have floaters to tag people out and plenty of other people who are able to assist.  This will be less of a spectating meet then others for some.  

Bring water, keep hydrating, and wear sunscreen and hats to keep cool and safe. 

Thank you everyone for all the teamwork. I am not available to assist you after Friday afternoon May 30th, so email this week if you have a conflict.   

It is going to be a great season! 


[email protected]

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